Christmas origin
Christmas origin

christmas origin

But the genuine Christian rejoices not for a day only, that Jesus is born, but every day, continually, because His birth brought the promise of salvation from sin (see Matthew 1:21).įeasting and gluttony, giving gifts to those not needy, are not of Christian origin but come from paganism. The backslidden church adopted the old pagan Saturnalia and called it Christian to win the pagans. In England, previous to 1555, an abbot of misrule (in Scotland, of unreason) in every large household was appointed, says Schaff. The yule log is an old remnant of Teutonic nature worship. Saturnalia has a rival contender as the forerunner of Christmas: the festival of dies natalis solis invicti, ‘birthday of the unconquered sun’. Its true origin is doubtless the old pagan festival, the Saturnalia, which came, at that time, in December, characterized by feasting, drinking, giving presents, etc. The Orthodox Church in the Eastern (Byzantine) half of the Roman Empire fixed the date of Christmas at January 6th, commemorating simultaneously Christ’s birth, baptism and first miracle.

christmas origin

It was then celebrated by the Eastern Church on January 6, under the name Epiphania, but this was not long-held. The first mention made of the day of Christ’s birth is by Clement, in the third century. The day or the month is not given in the Scriptures, nor are we required to observe it. In Dutch it is Kerstmis, in Latin Dies Natalis, whence comes the French Nol, and Italian Il natale in German Weihnachtsfest, from the preceeding sacred vigil. But it is generally conceded now that whatever time of year Jesus was born, He was not born in December. The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131. As often as celebrated, according to this view, the sacrifice of the Lord is literally repeated-a Scripturally erroneous doctrine.Ĭhristmas is observed by many in commemoration of the birth of Christ. “Christmas” comes from “Christ” and “mass,” Christ’s mass, the latter word referring to the celebration of the Lord’s Supper in the Roman Catholic Church, considered by them a sacrifice.

christmas origin

Will you kindly inform me of the meaning of the word “Christmas” and when the festival originated? Answer:

Christmas origin